- How do I become a WingNut – Click on the link above “JOIN THE WINGNUTS”
- Who can become a WingNut – Any general class or higher ham radio operator.
- Do I have to have Facebook – N0 but, you must join the email list (please)
- Do you have to have a Certificate to be a WingNut – N0 but you must join the email list (please)
- How do I get my WingNuts Certificate – If you want a WingNut certificate, you must be nominated by 5 Wingnuts with their certificate via the WingNuts email wingnuts7230 at gmail dot com. If you get nominated by the WOTY (WingNuts of the year) that counts as 2 nominations, so you technically only need 3 nominations + WOTY! To be nominated you must be active on 7.230 / 7.235 not only talking to other WingNuts but calling for WingNuts and promoting the group to other stations coming on the frequency that are not familiar with the group. This does not mean you have to be on 7.230 all the time but that you frequent the frequency and are interested in being an active member.
- If I change my call sign do I get a new certificate – yes just request a new one please include your original call sign and your new one.
- What is the WingNut of the Year – We choose one WingNut every year they get a special page on the website, a trophy and they count as 2 contacts for your certificate (so you can get it with only 3 contacts)
- Can I request a QSL card from the WingNuts – yes we have a nice one just request one via email (wingnuts7230 @ gmail . com)
- When are the WingNuts on the air – 24/7 The WingNuts is a rag chew group and you can find them on 7.230 almost all the time
- When is the net – We are a rag chew group there is no net day or time it is 24/7
- Who Started the WingNuts – KC9CUK & KC9CML
- Why no Politics or Religion – This is for the good of the group, if you don’t agree we understand this group is not for you.
- How do I get a WingNut number – We do not have WingNut numbers
- What is expected of all WingNuts – We ask that you rag chew and monitor 7.230 when you can, we also ask you to promote the group to new stations you meet on 7.230! No one is expected to live on 7.230 this is a hobby and for fun. ( Do what you can)
- How can I help promote the group – lots of WingNuts put a photo of their certificate with the WingNuts logo and a link to the website upon their qrz page. KC9CUK has a nice example on his QRZ please feel free to copy it and if you need help just ask thanks. https://www.qrz.com/db/KC9CUK
- Why is everyone using tacos instead of S-Units – This is something we do for fun (you don’t have to), people are way too concerned about signal reports. Your s meter is just for reference and not calibrated or linear in nature.
- How does the Taco thing work – if a station is s1 tru s9 on your meter just replace the word “S” with “tacos” and anything over s9 is “the whole enchilada” instead of the 10dB over 9, example you are giving me 7 tacos (I.E they are 5 by 7).
- How do I break into a QSO am I interrupting – you are not interrupting this is the point of the group, please key up and just say contact, and A WingNut will pick you up.
- What to do if there is no traffic on 7.230 – Use that PTT and call for other WingNuts, do this multiple times not just once. Many WingNuts are on most of the time and sometimes we are just monitoring. Please keep in mind it can take a minute for us to get to our radios.
- What should I do if someone asks if the frequency is in use – if you hear anyone ask this please respond with yes it is but you’re welcome to join us! Also if you hear a fellow WingNut say the freq is in use please also key up and say it also, this has been a big help not all stations can hear each other and this lets the breaking station know many folks are on the frequency.
- What should I do if 7.230 is in use by other hams – please do not chase other hams off of 7.230 we do not own the frequency, you can call for WingNuts on our alternative frequency 7.235 or you can monitor until the parties clear off and call for WingNuts after they are done.
- What is the WingNuts battle cry – “Keep The Rag Chews Going & The Conversations Flowing”
- Do the WingNuts have a slogan – Yes “Ham Nuts Just Winging It”
- Where did the name WingNuts come from – it came from our slogan when we first started the group and it just stuck, it has nothing to do with aviation, hockey, motorcycles, the airforce, etc.
- What is a “Monitor Lizard” – This is a WingNut that is just monitoring and not available and on the side.
- What is an S.O.S Station – This is a jammer or trouble maker it stands for “Stuck On Stupid”. This term is used to let other WingNuts know that we have a trouble maker on freq and to just ignore them.
- Someone is Jamming what should I do – Please, Please, Please dot mention them or say anything about them. They go away fast if you don’t give them attention. If one is addressing you personally just tell them they are causing malicious interference and the frequency is in use. Then just carry on your QSO like they are not even there. Trust me this is the only thing that works and they will lose interest fast.
- Who is “Tune-Up Tony” – Well Tony is the official WingNuts mascot, he is on the radio every day and very dedicated to the group. (this is an S.O.S station tuning up in a lame attempt to jam) Tony hates auto notch filters :0)